Date: 12/20/2024
If you are like me, you probably spend time during this period of the year to reflect not only on the previous eleven months, but on your life in general. We will measure the good and bad that occurred during the year and assess how those events impacted our lives, and if those events will have a significant impact on our future. We will look at the people who came into our lives as well as those who left us during the previous year. There are those who have left us and we breathe a sigh of relief, while there are others who leave us and we breathe a sigh of remorse, wondering why they had to go away.
As we look back on our past year, we also need to look at our community, how we interacted with others, and what contributions we made, if any to enhancing that community. We call Darien a “nice place to live,” and when we do that, we hopefully reflect on why we chose this community as our home. When I ask myself this question, I can honestly say that it is the people who live in this city that make it a nice place to live; it is our volunteer spirit, our need to assist others who need our help, our schools, our city services, our appreciation for our heritage. These things and so much more are what makes this a nice place to live; people like YOU make this city a nice place to live.
As I reflect on my past year, on the highs and lows that occur to all of us, I am grateful for my opportunity to live and work with the wonderful people of this city who truly are the bedrock of this community. My hope for all of you this holiday season is that in assessing your year, the beautiful moments outweigh the low points in your life, and that those who have come into your life add joy and happiness to your day to day life, and that we will continue to feel the love of those we have lost. May all of you find some time this holiday season to sit and reflect on the past year, and may all of you see how you, our Darien residents, make this truly, a nice place to live. Happy Holidays to all of you!