While for many who attended the White Sox's last home game on Thursday, September 26, it might have been the last game of an abysmal season; for others, it might have been the last Sox game they would ever see. There were many in the stands that day who came to see the White Sox set the record for losses in a season, but for many more of us, the opposite was true, we came to cheer the team we have always loved to a victory, and on that day, Sox players found a way to bring home a victory, that for some, may be the last time they get a chance to see a Sox game, let alone a Sox victory.
Life does not promise us anything, and for many of us, we don’t know for sure what tomorrow will bring. Many who left the ballpark that day figured that they would be back next spring to watch a Sox team that is more competitive. I would offer that because none of us knows what the future might bring, we need to savor the present and to appreciate those we love each and every day that we have with them. As I walked out of the ballpark with my son, we celebrated the beautiful day that we had together, where despite whatever the future might hold, we had a chance to be together and enjoy a beautiful day as father and son. I will always treasure that day, and I will hold the memory of that day in my heart for the rest of my life.