Generator Requirements

Printer Friendly Generator Requirements

Residential Generators

  • Permit is required
  • Submit a plat of survey indicating the location of the generator from all four lot lines. Please do not reduce or submit a partial survey.
  • Generator may be located in the side or rear yard. Generators may not be located more than 5 feet from the exterior wall of the home (if in a side yard), and must be 10 feet from any window or door opening.
  • Generator must be screened by either landscaping or a fence type structure.
  • Generator shall not be more than 79 decibels measured at the lot line.
  • Plug in style electrical transfer switches to electric meter are not allowed.
  • A brochure of specification of the generator must be submitted with the survey when applying for a permit.
  • After the permit is issued and generator installed, electrical and gas line inspections are required.
  • Provide a line diagram
  • Provide load calculations
  • Generator permit fee TBD

Commercial Generators

  • Permit is required
  • Submit a plat of survey indicating the location of the generator from all four lot lines. Please do not reduce or submit a partial survey.
  • Generator may be located in the side or rear yard. Generators may not be located more than 5 feet from the exterior wall of the principal structure, and must be 10 feet from any window or door opening.
  • Generator must be screened by either landscaping or a fence type structure.
  • Generator shall not be more than 67 decibels measured at the lot line.
  • Plug in style electrical transfer switches to electric meter are not allowed.
  • A brochure of specification of the generator must be submitted with the survey when applying for a permit.
  • Provide a line diagram
  • Provide load calculations
  • After the permit is issued and generator installed electrical, gas line and final inspections are required.
    Generator permit fee TBD
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