Solar Energy Systems Permit Guidelines
Solar Energy Permit Guidelines
Zoning: Building-mounted SES are permitted as an accessory use in all zoning districts.
Questions may be directed to the City Planner, Ryan Murphy,, 630-353-8113.
Permits: For small-scale, standard SES design, permits are typically issued within 10 days after all
documents submitted in person to the Community Development Department, Monday through Friday
8:30am - 5:00pm, including:
- Building Permit application form
- Contractor License application form with certificate of insurance and bond
- Plat of Survey with plan sketch showing where panels will be located with dimensions
- Structural calculations signed and sealed by a licensed structural engineer that certifies that the mounted building wall or roof is structurally sound and will bear weight of the SES.
- Construction plans in compliance with 2015 International Solar Energy Provisions Code (See attached page for plan submittal requirements)
Inspections: Two inspections are typically required (1) Final Electric (2) Final Building – when installation complete. To schedule inspections, call 630-353-8115 by 2:00 on business day before inspection requested. Inspections typically are done between 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Contractor must be present (Additional inspections may be required for non-standard SES or if roof or wall modifications are needed.)
Questions: On permits and inspections may be directed to Mary Belmonte,,
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